
Emiliano Acosta

Post-doctoral researcher of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) at the Centre for Critical Philosophy of Ghent University and member of the Young Academy of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts. Visiting Professor at the Universidade Federal de Goias (Brazil, 2011) and visiting fellowship at the University of California, Los Angeles (USA, 2010). His research focusses on topics of political philosophy such as recognition, inclusion/exclusion, cosmopolitanism, freedom of press and tolerance in the light of the legacy of European modern philosophy. He obtained his PhD at the University of Cologne with a dissertation on the relationship between Schiller and Fichte (Schiller versus Fichte. Schillers Begriff der Person in der Zeit und Fichtes Kategorie der Wechselbestimmung in Widerstreit. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2011). He is founder member of the Latin-American Fichte Society (ALEF), member of the Internationale Fichte Gesellschaft and the Centrum voor Duitse Idealisme. As member of the editors community Europhilosophie Editions and of the editorial board of Fichte-Online he is founder and editor in chief of the international open access on line journal "Revista de Estud(i)os sobre Fichte".

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Quentin Landenne

Post-doctoral researcher of the Fonds national de recherche scientifique (FRS - FNRS) at the Centre de Théorie Politique of the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Concerning political philosophy and ethics his research focusses on the debates between Apel and Habermas about the foundations and political application of the discourse ethics.

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Matthias Lievens

Studied political science, philosophy, anthropology and history, and defended his PhD in philosophy entitled ‘Spectres of the Political: Uncovering the Metapolitical in Carl Schmitt’ at the end of 2009 at KULeuven. He has a long-standing critical interest in Marx and Gramsci, and has also been working on authors such as Etienne Balibar, Antonio Negri, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe and Jacques Rancière. He is currently doing postdoctoral research at the Catholic University of Leuven (KULeuven) within the framework of the multidisciplinary project ‘Global Governance and Democratic Government’ in Leuven. His research interests include post-foundational political philosophy, (post-)Marxism, theories of the political and depoliticisation, radical democracy, Gramsci, (alter)globalisationglobalization and, political ecology.

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Markus Wirtz

I am a Post-Doctoral Researcher (Habilitand) and lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Cologne. I also teach philosophy, history and music at the Kaiserin-Augusta-High school in Cologne. My main areas of philosophical interest and research are philosophy of religion, intercultural philosophy (especially east-asian philosophies), aesthetics, ontology and political philosophy. In philosophy of religion, I am mainly interested in religious pluralism and philosophical questions of cross-cultural encounters between different religious and secular word-views. My actual work in this field deals with questions of the compatibility or incompatibility of conflicting religious truth-claims.

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Jan De Vos

MA in psychology and PhD in philosophy, works as a postdoctoral researcher (FWO) at the department of Philosophy and Moral Science at Ghent University (Belgium). His main interests are the critique of (neuro)psychology and(neuro)psychologisation which he approaches from the perspective of political philosophy and ideology critique. He is the author of Psychologization in times of globalisation (Routledge, 2012) and Psychologization and the Subject of Late Modernity (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, forthcoming).

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Marco Rampazzo Bazzan

Independent researcher and member of the International Fichte's society and the Groupe de Recherches Materialistes. His main research interests focuses on history of political thought and social philosophy. He has published several articles about German idealism (J-G. Fichte), social movements and political philosophy. He's the editor in chief of the Cahiers du GRM, and member of the scientific boards of the collection Bibliothèque de Philosophie Politique et Sociale and of the reviews Ubuntu and Interpretationes.

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Martin Deleixhe

My research focuses mostly on the uneasy and yet productive relationship between immigration and democracy. From a purely theoretical point of view, I am interested in the way the margins of democracy interact with its core principles. This is why I took a special interest in the pragmatic issue of immigration in democracy. Because migrants represent a challenge to the conventional understanding of democracy. They expose a tension between the two key democratic principles of the self-determination «of the people by the people for the people» and the moral equality of all men regardless of their origins. The European Union, in this regard, is a fascinating object. Since it is neither a nation-state, nor simply an international organization, it tries to define and to legitimize its migrations policies in creative but also questionable ways. The critical study of this original European discourse about migration is at the heart of my work.

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Marta Nunes da Costa

Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Ph.D. in Political Science/ Political Philosophy at the New School for Social Research (2006) with a Thesis entitled "Redefining Individuality: reflections on Kant, Adorno and Foucault". She was permanent researcher in Ethics and Political Theory at Minho University, Portugal (2009-2013) where she was responsible for a research project entitled "Redefining Democracy for the XXI Century" (financed by the Foundation of Science and Technology). She was Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil (2014-2016). She is the coordinator of Group for Democratic Studies (CNPQ/Brazil) and develops several research projects on this area. Fields of concentration: ethics and political theory, political philosophy, democratic theories, critical theory, feminist studies.

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